Should Puppy Training be Left to the Professionals?

Many new pet parents are unsure about how to house train a puppy and as such believe that professional puppy classes are the best bet for their hounds. However, while some pet parents believe that puppy training should only be done by experienced trainers, others think it can be successfully accomplished at home. This hound post will discuss the benefits of professional training versus house training a puppy and which is more effective.
Puppy Training Classes vs. Training at Home
Several things should be considered when deciding whether or not to take your pup for professional puppy training classes.
- Puppy training classes can be useful if you want your pup to learn specific skills like obedience or agility courses.
- Puppy training classes can help to socialize your pup and teach them how to interact with other dogs.
- How long does it take to house train a puppy? It typically takes 4-6 months for a puppy to be successfully house trained, and while puppy training classes may not reduce this time frame, they can help you learn how to train your pup better.
- Professional trainers can also provide valuable advice regarding common problems such as potty accidents or aggression issues.
Benefits of Puppy Training Classes
Taking your hound to professional puppy classes provides three key benefits:
- Makes your hound easier to manage as the classes will teach them specific commands and set clear behavioral expectations.
- A well-trained dog is safer when out and about! They'll also have better recall and behave better in hazardous situations such as crossing busy roads.
- Puppy training also ensures better communication between you and your hound, thus deepening and strengthening your bond!
- Puppy classes are also easier for busy and first-time pet parents looking for additional support training their loveable hounds.
Benefits of House Training Your Puppy Yourself
- Your puppy learns new skills in the safety of their own home.
- House training your puppy teaches them to respect the pack den and differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors at home.
- Builds a lasting relationship between you and your hound.
- Training your puppy will teach you skills you can use on future pet children.
How to House Train a Puppy
Training your puppy, yourself is definitely okay, and it certainly won't minimize the bond you and your hound share. However, it's important to remember that when house training a puppy, it's vital to establish a consistent routine and to set clear expectations.
For example, whenever your pup has to go outside, take them to the same spot and give them verbal cues such as "go potty" or "outside." Consistency will help your puppy understand what you expect of them, and over time they will learn how to follow commands.
Additionally, when house training a puppy or teaching them basic hound commands such as sit, leave, or stay, it's important to reward your puppy for good behavior with treats and praise.
Learning how to house train a puppy is relatively easy when using positive reinforcement such as treats and praise as this will help them quickly learn what behaviors you expect from them.
Paw-sible Reflection
Overall, the decision of whether or not to take your pup to professional puppy training classes is up to you as the pet parent. While some pet parents feel more comfortable with additional support when puppy training, others enjoy the adventure of going it alone! Either way, the choice is entirely yours! Just remember to consider all the factors carefully before deciding what is best for you and your pup.
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