How to Soothe a Crying Puppy

How to Soothe a Crying Puppy

Every pet parent adores their bouncy, happy baby hound unconditionally. That is until they find themselves staring at said puppy at 2 am, wondering how on earth they can stop the sad yipping and yapping emanating from their furry family member. Of course, we're not suggesting that your love for your adorable hound goes out the proverbial window when they start to cry. But, if you're honest, a continuous lack of sleep due to a crying puppy can leave you feeling more than a little like yesterday's dog's breakfast!

Unfortunately, like human babies, these cute furry bundles of joy are often quite needy, which means a crying puppy is a common problem most pet parents face. Knowing how to comfort your hound and make them feel safe is the key to soothing their heartfelt puppy tears; plus, it will give you peace of mind and prevent you from losing sleep, thus keeping everyone in a tail-wagging mood!  

Today's Mountain Hound blog post will provide you with some helpful pet parent tips to help soothe your crying fur baby.

5 Steps for Soothing a Crying Puppy

Determine the cause of the crying:

Before trying to soothe your crying puppy, you need to understand why your mini hound is crying in the first place. There could be several reasons for this behavior, such as hunger, thirst, needing to go outside for a tinkle, or simply feeling lonely. Take the time to observe your furry little friend and establish what they need.

Create a comfortable environment:

Puppies can feel anxious and nervous in new surroundings, so make sure your puppy has a comfortable space to call their own. If your puppy cries when left at night, provide some soothing dog accessories such as blankets or toys they particularly like to keep them cozy or busy. It's also a great idea to create a quiet corner in your home where your puppy feels safe and secure.

Use positive reinforcement:

It's important to remember that a crying puppy needs reassurance and attention. Try using positive reinforcement techniques when your puppy is calm and quiet. For example, you can offer treats, praise, and cuddles when your puppy is relaxed and not crying. This will help to reinforce good behavior and create a bond of trust between you and your pet.

Provide distractions:

Sometimes, puppies cry because they are bored or have too much energy. Try providing some distraction using dog accessories like puzzle toys, chew toys or licki-mats. Keeping your little fur baby entertained will help them expend excess energy and distract them from crying.

Use calming techniques:

If your puppy is feeling anxious or stressed, there are several soothing techniques that you can try. For example, you can play soft music or use aromatherapy oils known to calm anxious hounds. For example, natural remedies, such as chamomile or lavender are ideal pet products to help ease hound anxiety. Check out this Dogs Naturally magazine article on how to calm dog anxiety naturally.


While a crying puppy is a common problem that most pet parents face, it can be frustrating and more than a little stressful! However, with the right knowledge and techniques, you can help soothe your bambino hound and keep them calm and content. Remember, understanding the root cause of their crying is the key to providing an appropriate comfort method.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay