Dog Walking, Pet Parent Nightmare, or a Walk in the Park?

Dog Walking, Pet Parent Nightmare, or a Walk in the Park?

Dogs provide us with companionship and unconditional love; not many pet parents will argue with this statement. That is, however, until they find themselves dragged through the park bushes at top speed, their sweet dog turned rabid monster in hot pursuit of a cute little Poodle daintily skipping along! Then no amount of leash jerking, verbal commands or hand cues work on your dog, who seems bent on displaying their worst set of manners and, most importantly, blatantly ignoring you.

But, of course, this scenario is not new to you, as your hound seems to save this behavior, especially for your daily walk in the park! Does your dog hate walking on their leash? Is every park excursion a nightmare, complete with your dog bounding around like a bucking bronco on the end of a piece of string? Then you are not alone! Many pet parents struggle with this exact issue.

Of course, this may leave you wondering how other pet parents seem to stroll along in the park with their dog walking sweetly at their side. But the truth is dog walking can be challenging- especially if your dog isn't properly leash trained. Unfortunately, dogs aren't born with leash-walking knowledge; it has to be taught. 

In fact, leash training is an important part of owning a dog and should be started as young as possible. Furthermore, with proper dog training, both you and your furry friend can enjoy walks in the park instead of avoiding them at all costs!

Dog Leash Training the Easy Way

The first step to proper dog leash training is getting your dog
comfortable wearing a collar or harness. Put the collar on your dog and let them wear it around the house for a few days. This will help your dog become accustomed to the feel of the collar, and it will also give you an opportunity to check that the collar fits properly. You should also allow your hound to get used to the sound of the leash by attaching it to their collar and letting them drag it around the house.

The next step is to begin walking your dog on the leash; this is the ultimate test of pet parent courage. Initially, you should start off by taking your dog for short walks around the block.

Once they are happy walking on the leash for a short distance, you can gradually increase the length of the walks. Over time your dog will become more comfortable walking on the leash for longer periods, and when this happens, it's time to go on amazing doggie adventures!

Dog Walking Tips for Pet Parents

It's important to keep the following dog walking tips in mind while you are out walking your dog.

  • Always walk in front of your dog

This will help them understand that you are the leader, and they should follow your lead.

  • Use positive reinforcement

Use treats or praise to encourage your dog to walk beside you. Do not use negative reinforcement, such as pulling on the leash or scolding your dog.

  • Be patient!

Dog leash training takes time and patience. Furthermore, if you are consistent with your dog training, you will eventually see results. Also remember, dog walking should be fun; enjoy showing off your pooch to the Poodles in the park! 

Let's Go Walkies!

Following these tips should help make dog leash training a positive and rewarding experience for both you and your dog. Remember to be patient and keep up with the dog training even if it seems like your furry friend isn't making much progress. With time and patience, your dog will happily walk on the leash no matter where you choose to adventure!

Photo by Dominik Kempf on Unsplash