4 Common Behavorial Issues Seen in Popular Dog Breeds

Man's best friend isn't always a friend of your expensive trainers or your noise-sensitive neighbors. And those craters in the lawn, while mildly annoying at first, have become a veritable obstacle course to get to the front door.
Of course, as a pet parent, you don't mind the occasional leopard crawl from the car to the front path while avoiding said craters, but when you meet up with Fido intent on jumping all over you while covered in mud, it's often the final straw! As a result, your loyal and loveable hound finds themselves quite literally in the dog's box without a clue as to why because boundaries have never been instilled. Sorry, pet parents, it's up to you to teach your dog to behave and ensure these behaviors are nipped in the proverbial bud or, rather, tail!
Thankfully not all dogs exhibit the same behaviors, and some are more prone to certain behavioral issues than others. This blog post will discuss 4 common behavioral problems seen in popular dog breeds.
4 Most Common Dog Behavior Problems
1. Chewing
Chewing is a natural behavior for puppies, but some breeds are
more prone to excessive chewing than others. This can be problematic for both
dog and owner, if the dog is not properly trained or lacks enough chew toys to
keep them occupied. Hence the demise of your expensive trainers!
Chewing can be habit-forming, so it's important to stop this behavior early on. It's also not an entirely breed-specific issue, as most dogs chew if they are not exercised properly, struggle with anxiety or don't get enough attention! Dogs most prone to chewing include the Collie, Basset Hound and Dachshund. Try investing in good chew toys, exercise your dog regularly and purchase a quality anti-chew spray product.
2. Barking
Barking is another common dog behavior, but
some breeds are more prone to excessive barking than others. There's nothing worse
than incessant barking; just ask your noise-sensitive neighbors! Aside from
disturbing the peace, continuous barking is usually a sign of distress and
anxiety which means Fido is feeling fear and unhappiness - not great! Unfortunately,
to teach your dog to behave and stop barking, you should practice dog behavior
training regularly. This includes using positive reinforcement (treats), verbal
cues, increasing exercise, and sticking to a routine. Those on the naughty
barking list include the Chihuahua, Cairn Terrier and Pomeranian.
3. Digging
Excessive digging is one of the worst dog behavior problems a pet parent can struggle with. Not only is it destructive, but it's also messy, resulting in additional dog grooming and expensive carpet cleaning! Unfortunately, like barking, digging is usually stress or boredom related. Spend enough quality time with your dog to reassure them. You should also ensure they get sufficient exercise and mental stimulation (doggie games like fetch). The naughty digging brigade includes the Jack Russell, Siberian Huskey, and Airedale Terrier.
4. Jumping
Most dogs jump up as a way of greeting, but this isn't always appreciated by those less enamoured with this style of saying hello (non-pet parents!). Therefore, teaching your dog not to jump is often the politest thing you can teach your hound. Instead, ignore your dog each time they jump up on you; they will soon learn this behavior gets no response and stop doing it. Alternatively, you can use treats as positive reinforcement to encourage calmer greetings. Those on the jumping list include all canines – it's a doggie thang!
Final Thoughts
With proper training and socialization, most dog breeds can
learn to live happily and harmoniously with their human families. But, of course,
you may still need to hide those trainers!
Photo by Ayla Verschueren on Unsplash